Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Here ya go Jeff! Enjoy Austin!

My home away from home, Austin, Texas.  Home to Willie Nelson, my fabulously famous cousin Jarrod Papen, and some good eats!  My favorite is the fried avocado from Torchy's.  It's almost like an orgasm but they are almost on every corner, there's like 5 in Austin.  I know there's one on Guadalupe... pronounced Gw-aaaddaa-loop. I also like the baked potato soup from Cheddars but you can probably get that anywhere (from a can).  There is also the most fantastic barbershop in the whole world, the Crestview Barbershop at 7113 Woodrow Avenue, Austin, TX 78757 (call Jarrod 512-627-0148) if you need a haircut!  I love it.  I just decided I am going to perfect the fried avocado and put Torchy's out of business. Ha!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the info! Wish I was there long enough to enjoy my visit. Didnt turn out that way! :( Next time though..
